Stroke Workshops (Currently at Maryport Only)
Brief Description:
The Stroke Workshops are for anyone who has suffered a Stroke and who is independently mobile. These classes are led by a specialist Exercise after Stroke Instructor.
Each class lasts for 1 hour and is led by a suitably qualified Fit 4 Life Instructor. The session begins with a 10 minute warm-up to gently raise the pulse and help mobilise joints, followed by some stretching. Exercises to help improve balance are also included in the warm-up section. Clients can either sit or stand for the warm-up depending on ability.
Clients then complete a circuit specially designed to best suit the needs of Stroke sufferers including step-ups, shuttle walk, ball lift and lower, sit-to-stand and more. More able clients have the option of using Treadmills and Exercise Bikes.
There is then a strength component which comprises of a selection of different exercises researched to be the most effective for Stroke Rehabilitation to help maintain or improve strength in all major muscle groups. The class finishes with a gentle cool-down and stretching.
There is a strong focus on adapting and tailoring the exercises to meet individual needs with there being so many potential impairments and limitations as a result of Stroke.
Who Suitable For:
Anyone who has suffered from a Stroke and who is independently mobile can attend these classes. The Fit 4 Life staff will assess each patient prior to starting the programme.